Friday, November 16, 2007

We the People....

Many people have suggested that somebody start a program based on the $5.00 a day theory. They think that Main Street, or the Chamber of Commerce, or the City of Blue Island should get all the businesses involved. I think that these people are missing the point, which is that the we, the people of Blue Island, are the ones who have to spend their $5.00 a day.

If I may quote from my original letter:

“I have an idea to help revitalize the downtown business district. This idea does not involve any additional meetings, we do not need a committee, and we do not need a fundraiser, a permit, or approval from anyone.

Ask yourself “How much money do I spend each day?” Now ask yourself “How much of that do I spend on Western Avenue?”

I challenge each of us to spend an average of $5.00 a day in the downtown area. Take $5.00 and visit a business that you think has nothing you want. Introduce yourself and buy something you can use; a chocolate bar, a bar of soap, a can of tuna, salt & pepper shakers, a cold beer, a belt, a purse, a tire gauge.”

I know that the Chamber of Commerce is working on a program to involve the citizens and the businesses, and I am grateful that something is being done. My greatest fear is that we, the people of Blue Island, will immediately become complacent, believing that “the Chamber has everything under control”. So let me make this perfectly clear: the Chamber of Commerce, or Main Street, or the City of Blue Island is not going to spend your $5.00 a day. You have to do that yourself.

A woman stopped in and told me that she had read an article which stated that 45% of the money you spend in a town stays in that town. I believe it. I checked to see how the money we take in is spent, and I would say that we are slightly above that percentage. The rest of it is scattered around the country and around the world. If you ever wished you lived in a wealthier neighborhood, all you have to do is spend your money in Blue Island. If you spend $100.00 in Chicago, Alsip, Homewood, or Crestwood you are taking $45.00 directly out of Blue Island and investing that in some other town.

People are coming in from all over; a lady from Wilmington, and another from Palos, and another from Midlothian. A man came from the north side of Chicago, and even a woman from Iowa. They all want to know how the $5.00 a day thing is going. I don’t really know how it’s going, it’s too early to tell, but now I know that people are watching, and I want you, the people of Blue Island to know that people are watching. They say that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but I am hoping that what’s happening in Blue Island the whole world will see, stand up, and applaud. It is up to us, we the people of Blue Island.

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